Introducing The Certified Commercial Recovery Agent (CCRA) National Certification Program

Due to the numerous compliance mandates by the CFPB and commercial lenders that manage portfolios exceeding $900 Billion, it became clear that there was a critical need for a nationally recognized professional certification program for recovery agents who specialize in commercial asset recovery.

Recovery Industry Services Company (RISC) is proud to announce the Certified Commercial Recovery Agent (CCRA) National Certification Program in conjunction with the Author, Mark Lacek.  Mark has over 25 years’ experience in the commercial asset recovery industry and is certified in both federal and state court to consult and provide expert opinions on Wrongful Repossession litigation.

The CCRA is designed specifically for recovery agents who provide collateral recovery services to the commercial lending industry.  The recovery of commercial assets requires the recovery agent to be trained and prepared for circumstances that are very different from standard automobile and other consumer loan repossessions.  The CCRA National Certification Program addresses all those differences including the following

  • Understanding that the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) does not address commercial repossession practices.
  • Understanding the various federal and state laws that affect the commercial asset recovery process.
  • Knowledge of specific tools, supplies and equipment needed in the recovery agent’s work truck so that the recovery agent arriving at the scene of the defaulted commercial collateral is properly equipped to complete the recovery.
  • Understanding the critical importance of a brief pre-recovery inspection when removing the asset from the customer’s property could save the CCRA and/or client thousands of dollars in unnecessary expenses.
  • Understanding what will be involved, the time that may be consumed, and the tools necessary to affect the commercial asset will determine the fees charged to the client.
  • Acceptance by commercial lenders who understand the importance of professional certification in managing the “inherent” risks associated with the self-help repossession process and in the event of Wrongful Repossession lawsuits.

Commercial assets are non-standard, defined as heavy duty trucks, construction equipment, golf carts, drill presses, various types of business equipment, farm equipment, exercise equipment, garbage containers, sewing machines, and much more.

On any given day a recovery agency could receive multiple repossession assignments on non-standard equipment.  The recovery agency must have the knowledge of federal and state laws that impact the self-help repossession process and also in-depth knowledge of equipment that will be needed to complete the repossession.  The knowledge of what to do is why commercial collateral recovery agents are unique and thus their training is specialized.

The escalation of Wrongful Repossession lawsuits and rulings by the courts holding creditors liable for the acts of the recovery agents they hire make professional certification a primary factor when creditors hire recovery agents.

The CCRA National Certification Program is the first program developed nationally for those who offer commercial asset recovery services and the numerous reviews by commercial lenders indicates the need for this unique program.

RISC is recognized within the collateral recovery industry as a leader in the fields of CFPB consumer protection training, risk management and industry standard compliance requirements.

RISC services include:  RISC Compliant Agent Network (CAN) membership, certification through the C.A.R.S. National Certification Program, C.A.R.S. Plus CE (continuing education courses), compliance vetting and training, office and storage facilities inspections, business consulting, repossession insurance consulting, lock-smith training and supplies, automotive key codes, discount programs, and a $1 million Client Protection Bond for members of the RISC Complaint Agent Network

For more information, please e-mail RISC at [email protected], call 866-996-7472, or visit our website at

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